Affiliated to University of Calicut

Re-accredited by the NAAC with A+ Grade (3.41) - 4th Cycle

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College Anthem

Hail! St. Mary’s hail to Thee
Hail! Alma Mater hail!
Shed Thou Thy radiance of peace,
Spread Thou Thy wisdom and grace.
O! light of rarest rays
Light the minds of all
Scientia et Disciplina,
May lead us on and on.
Rise aloft! St. Mary’s high
Rise to the skies
O! Rise so high
Raising our hearts in lofty ideals,
Immaculate Heart, O! Guiding Star

Assembly Prayer

God Almighty,
our loving Father,
we worship You,
we thank You for this day,
for all the boundless gifts,
for all the mercies great and small.
Fill us with Your Spirit of wisdom,
guide us to think, to learn and to grow in knowledge
that we may learn and serve You truly.
Touch our hearts with Your gentle love,
and change our selfishness into self-giving
so that we love and serve You all days
in our brothers and sisters.
Dear God, as we are getting ready to face
the third cycle of NAAC reaccreditation,
specially bless all St.Marian’s to do the best
and to achieve the best!
Holy Mary, our own Mother and Patroness,
be with us every moment of the day, Amen.

Teacher's Prayer

Loving God,
We begin this day in Your presence,
seeking Your blessings and love.
Enable us to fulfill all our duties entrusted by
You, most satisfactorily.
We offer to You ourselves, our family, our students,
and all those who are in need of our prayer.
Help us O Lord, to understand each student,
so that we may lead them through the paths of
love, compassion, othercentredness and wonder,
but never of fear and anxiety.
Dear God, as they look to us
for true knowledge and guidance,
we humbly pray that You teach us
what we shall teach them; and You mould us
so that we can mould them to Your likeness.
Holy Mary, our own Mother and Patroness,
be with us every moment of the day,
and intercede with Your loving Son,
for each of us Your children, Amen.