ST. MARY'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), THRISSUR Affiliated to University of Calicut Re-accredited by the NAAC with A+ Grade (3.41) - 4th Cycle ![]() ![]() HistoryOur History
The First Women's College of Thrissur District, St. Mary's College, was established in the heart of the flourishing business town of Thrissur in 1946. The Congregation of Mother of Carmel (CMC) had pioneered into the field of Higher Education inspired by the educational vision of its founder, St. Kuriakose Elias Chavra. India was fast approaching the much awaited freedom from British rule and there was great enthusiasm for a new and reformed society. Though many women had taken part in the freedom struggle, majority of women in India were still uneducated and illiterate. Women had very little opportunity for higher education as there were very few colleges for women at the time. It is in this hour of need that the CMC congregation had established St. Mary’s College, with the aim of uplifting the women of Kerala by empowering them through education.
The CMC congregation had applied for sanction to start a college to the University of Madras in 1944. In 1945 His Excellency Rt. Rev. Dr. George Alappat, Bishop of Thrissur laid the foundation stone for the college building. The University Inspectors Committee headed by Sri. Lakashmanaswamy Mudaliar, the Vice Chancellor of University of Madras, visited the college site and gave sanction to start the college with Degree Courses in Mathematics and Economics and Intermediate for Science and History. His Excellency Rt. Rev. Dr. George Alappat, Bishop of Thrissur blessed the college building. Thus the long cherished dream of a College for women bore fruit and history was made with the birth of the First Women’s of Thrissur district, St. Mary’s College. The distinctive coat of arms and the motto Scientia et Disciplina was adopted. The College was formally inaugurated by Sri. George Boag, the Diwan of Cochin on February 9th, 1947. Sr. Mary Patience took charge as the Founder Principal of the College. Her missionary zeal helped the college to attain pride of place among the women's colleges in Kerala. The College was able to fulfil its cherished dream of imparting education to the young women of Kerala and scores of successful graduates passed out of the college portal every year. From its inception the College has given importance to academic excellence and the university results of the first batch of students bears testimony to this. A.G Teresa came out first in the Madras Presidency and was awarded the Pitti Muniswami Chetti Guru Gold Medal and the Marsh Prize. L. S. Sarojini won the Godathi Etharajan Memorial Medal of the University for Economics and Radha Devi won the T. Rama Rao Gold Medal of the University for English. On August 15th, 1947 India's Independence was celebrated with the unfurling of the Indian tricolour. The first College Day celebration was held in 1950 and was presided over by Sri. V. K. Nandana Menon, the Vice Chancellor of Travancore University. The first College Magazine, The Marian Voice, was published in 1950. The College in its infancy itself encouraged social committment in the students. The Social Service League, an organisation for serving the underprivileged in the society was inaugurated by the great and illustrious freedom fighter Smt. Kuttimalu Amma in 1951. The year will also be remembered for the visit of the Mahakavi and first Jananapeetam Award winner, G. Sankara Kuruppu to the college. The O.S.A (Old Students Association) was initiated in 1951 to perpetuate the strong bond between the Alma Mater and the students even after passing out of the portals of the college. In the same year the College bid adieu to its founder Principal, Sr.Mary Patience. A new era began in the history of St. Mary's College with the appointment of Sr. Annunciata as the Principal of the College in 1952. The charming grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes that later became the hallmark of the College was built in this year. Most Rev. Martin Lucas A.P, Inter-Nuncio to India, visited the College in 1953. The long cherished dream of an auditorium was fulfilled with the construction of Bishop Alappat Jubilee Hall. His Eminence Cardinal Tisserant, Secretary of the Sacred Oriental Congregation, Vatican visited the College. Many eminent persons have visited the college and the list includes the former Prime Minister of India, Smt.Indira Gandhi, who visited the college in 1955 for collecting Assam Flood Relief Fund. In the same year the students of St. Mary's got a chance to meet the First Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, on their trip to Delhi. Degree course in Botany was introduced in 1955. Kerala Piravi, the birth of Kerala State was celebrated with a colourful cultural pageant on integration in 1956. The Chief Guest of the Day was the District Collector Sri. K. S Menon. Dr. B Ramakrishna Rao, the Governor of Kerala visited the College on 25th February 1957. The same year the College was affiliated to the University of Kerala. The College was also blessed with the visit of Dr. John Mathai, the Vice Chancellor of Kerala University. Mrs. John Mathai, Chairperson of Central Social Welfare Board inaugrated the Creche for the children of working women at Nadathara. His Eminence Valerian Cardinal Gracious visited the institution in 1958. 1959 marked the introduction of Degree courses in Physics and Chemistry. In 1960 the evergrowing number of students and the evergrowing demand for hostel accomodation prompted the managment to expand the campus and construct a new hostel at Cheroor about 4 kilometers from the College. The year also made memorable with the visit of Mr. L.A Hill, Chief Educational Officer of the British Council. Degree Course in Zoology was introduced in 1961. The year is also noted for the visits of eminent personalities like Sri. V.V Giri, the Governer of Kerala, Dr. K.C.K.E Raja, the Vice Chancellor of University of Kerala, and Mr. Robert R. Kleim, Audio Visual Officer of the American Information Service. 1962 marked the introduction of Post-Graduate courses in English Literature and Economics. The College was in the headlines again this year winning the Chief Minister's Trophy for the college collecting the highest per capita amount towards National Defence. Ms. Rita Francis represented Kerala in the 8th Inter University Youth Festival in 1963. 1964 marked the proud moment when the College extended its activities outside the district and started a sister institution, Mercy College, Palakkad. In 1965 the college was beatifed with the presence of Manning Hawthorne, the grandson of the world famous writer, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Rev. Father Senan Buckly, OCD of Ireland. 1966 was a memorable year as the foundation stone for the long awaited auditorium was laid and the music programme by the renowned singer K.J Yesudas was organized to raise fund for the auditorium. 1966 is also noted for the address by Swami Rangananda. The year 1967 was a decisive year and one of mixed sentiments for the institution. The College was proud of the birth of her daughter, Vimala College, Cheroor through her bifurcation but was left crippled since the graduate and post graduate courses were shifted to the newborn Vimala College owing to space constraint. It was a step which incapacitated the College and lowered it to the status of a Junior College for the time span between 1967 and 1979. The distressing consequences of the bifurcation were not felt by the College for a long time as it was one of the best Predegree colleges of the state at the time and students from all over Kerala came to study in this prestigious insitution. In 1968 the College came under the jurisdiction of the University of Calicut. Very few colleges in India have the distinction of being affiliated to three prestigious universities in the course of their history. The year also bears testimony to the visits of Cardinal Maximillian De Furstenberg, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Oriental Churches and Padmabhushan Dr. A.C Modi. The Silver Jubilee of the College was celebrated with great enthusiasm. His Grace Cardinal Joseph Parekattil inaugrated the Jubliee Memorial Marian Kudumbakshema Paddhati and illustrous freedom fighter, Sri. K. P. Kesava Menon inaugrated the Silver Jubilee housing scheme of 25 houses for the poor and the needy. In 1972 the college secured the Prem Nazir Trophy for the Best College in the All Kerala Cultural Meet. The first NSS Unit of the college was inaugrated in 1973 by Prof. V.J Pappu, ProVice Chancellor of Cochin University. The 25 houses constructed as part of Silver Jubliee celebrations were blessed and given to 25 poor families in 1974. A Day Care Centre for infants of working women was initiated at our adopted village, Nadathara, in 1975. Sr. Annuciata, who was at the helm of the college for 25 years from 1952 onwards stepped down from the Principal's post in 1977. The new Principal, Sr.Lima took charge in 1978. The College Magazine, The Marian Voice, won The Best Junior College Magazine of University of Calicut in this year. A Garment making Unit funded by the Central Socal Welfare Board started functioning at Nadathara under the auspices of the College. 1979 was a landmark year in the annals of the college as it was again upgraded as a First grade College with the introduction of B.A History Course. In 1980 Sr. Bianca was appointed as the Principal. Soon more undergraduate courses were introduced. The same year B.A Economics and B.Sc Mathematics Courses were introduced. The extension of learning to new frontiers continued with the establishment of another sister institution, Carmel College, at Mala a rural area about 30 kilometers from Thrissur town. 1984, the year that Sr. Philo became Principal of the College, was made memorable when the College won the Panampilly Memorial Shield for the best results in Pre-Degree for the third consecutive year. Radhika Ramachandran was crowned as the University Prathibha in 1985. The college also won first place in Pre-Degree results in this year. In 1986 Sr. Felicita took charge as Principal. The New Library and Reading Room which drew praise from the NAAC Peer Team members years later was blessed by His Excellency Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Kundukulam and was formally inaugurated by Sri. P.J Joseph, Honourable Minister for Revenue during Sr. Felicita'a principalship.. Ms. Kala Baby Thottam, the University Kalathilakam, gave a dance performance at the World Malayalee Conference at Berlin. She was also nominated to the University Senate by the Vice Chancellor. 1987 is another landmark year in the chronicles of the College with the trifurcation of the College Management into three provinces - Palakkad, Thrissur and Irijalakuda. The two sister colleges, Vimala and St. Mary’s have ever since been administrated by the Thrissur Province. Dr. Sr. Partor was appointed Principal in 1992. B.Sc Botany was introduced in 1993. In 1995 Sr. Lucia took charge as Principal and in the same year PG Course in Mathematics was introduced. The Golden Jubilee of the institution was celebrated in a grandiose manner with the guest list including illustrious personalities like The Governor of Kerala, The Chief Minister of Kerala, Sri. A.K Antony and Member of Parliament, Sri. K Karunakaran. The College once again demonstrated its social commitment by constructing houses for 7 poor families. The Golden Jubilee of India’s Independence was celebrated by honouring the renowned Freedom Fighter and Social Worker Smt. Kochukutty Amma. Ms. Usha M represented India in the Asian Pacific Meet at Taiwan. To commemorate the 50th year of independence the NSS unit of the college constructed a house for a poor widow. Another painful chapter in the history of the College was the Pre-Degree de-linking which took place soon after Sr.Alphonse Betsy was appointed as Principal in 1998. But she devised ways to counter this huge deprivation by introducing a number of new courses including M.A History (1998), B.Sc. Polymer Chemistry (1999), B.Sc Biotechnology (2000), BCA, B.Sc Microbiology (2001) and M.Sc Microbiology (2002). 1999 was a memorable year as the College won the Calicut University Aggregate Trophy for Sports and Games. In 2002 the Kuriakose Elias Relaxation Bower was inaugurated. In the same year Ms. Remya V won the Individual Championship in the All India Inter University Aquatic Championship. Ms. Ambili C and Ms. Aswathy Regunath represented India in Powerlifting and Ms. Ambili created a New World Record in Dead Lifting. Sr. Philo James was appointed Principal in 2003. The Community Aided Sponsorship Project (CASP) for school children in collaboration with Rajagiri College of Social Science Kalamassery was introduced in the same year. 2004 was a significant year for St.Mary’s College, when the institution submitted herself for accreditation to the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). This pioneering College had to be satisfied with a B+ as the Bifurcation of the College and the the Pre-Degree de-linking had affected her adversely. The year also saw the introduction of M.Sc. Biotechnology and M.Sc. Computer Science. Other notable achievements included Ms.Remya V representing India in the SAAF Games held at Pakistan, Ms.Alby Thomas representing Kerala AICUF in the World Social Forum, Ms.Dally Ignatius representing PAN-ASIA-PACIFIC at Malaysia and Dr.Marykunhu receiving the Malayala Manorama – AIR INDIA BOLT Award. In 2005 Dr. Sr. Jesme took charge as the Principal of the College. The Diamond Jubilee was celebrated in 2005 with a series of Jubilee Talk Shows by eminent persons like Justice B. Sreedevi, Prof. P.C. Thomas, Dr. Babu Paul IAS and Smt. Vinaya. The Diamond Jubilee Celebration included a National Book Exhibition and a Kerala History Exhibition, Pazhamayum Puthumayum.The Principal, Dr. Sr. Jesme, was honoured with two notable awards- the AIACHE T.A Mathias Award for College Principals for Innovation in Administration and Adharaniyam Award conferred by Thrissur Pouravali to eminent personalities in the district. Ms. Dhanya Shankar K.S became the first Keralite student to win the RANK (Race for Awareness and Knowledge) National Award instituted by AIR INDIA and Malayala Manorama. Dr. Sr. Rani George, the architect of modern St. Mary's, took charge as Principal in 2008. Endowed with a visionary zeal she transformed the College in a short span by introducing drastic changes catering to the overall development of the College. In the accademic arena 3 UGC sponsored Seminars were organized in 2008. A new state-of-art computer lab with 60 systems was constructed to enhance computer availabitlity to the students. She was also instrumental in the introduction of a new NCC unit in the college. She continued with her reforms in 2009 by constructing a subsidiary computer lab, and an Internet lab. She also paved the way for a Centralized Administration and Security System. UGC-Net Coaching was introduced in Mathematics, Computer Science and Life Science. She took the invitation to install a new 825KVA generator funded by UGC, a1000 litre Solar Water Heater, 2 Water Purifier Units and a Biogas Plant. The college working hours was rescheduled and extended by 45 minutes to the new college time, 8.30am to 3.15pm. This reform was aimed at finding time to provide Add On and Skill Enhancement Courses to all students. The year also saw the publication of the first Research Journal, Marian Research Journal and the first Alumnae Annual Newsletter ‘Reverie'. 2010 was a significant year in the history of the College as it was re-accredited by NAAC for a second time and this time the College secured the coveted ‘A’ Grade. Two New Add On Courses- Bio-informatics and Interior Designing and Architecture- were initiated. In 2011 the College Campus was extended with the acquisition of 1.66 acres of land for constructing a Sports Complex. The new College hostel funded by the UGC was blessed and started functioning in the year. The active PTA was instrumental in installing an AT Transformer in the college. Another significant event was the regularization of 3 unaided programmes – B.Sc. Microbiology, B.Sc. Polymer Chemistry and M.A History. 2012 was an eventful year in academics with the Mathematics Department being raised to a Research Centre under the University of Calicut. A Sports Hostel with government funding was also initiated in the year. Infrastructural expansion included the construction of a new state-of-art Seminar Hall, a New Computer lab with 70 systems and the installation of a 250 KVA generator funded by UGC. Four new programmes – B.A English, B.Com with Computer Application, M.A Applied Economics and M.Sc. Psychology were introduced and B.Sc. Polymer Chemistry was reverted to the conventional B.Sc. Chemistry Programme. Sr. Dr. Christin who took charge as Principal of the College in 2013 and continued with the reforms and developmental activities of the College. Three new programmes, M.Com, BSW and BBA and a UGC Add On Course in Communicative English were introduced. Smt.Anu D Alappat, Assistant Professor and Head of Physical Education Department was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Dr.Litty Mathew Irimpan, Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Physics was awarded The Leading Scientist of the World 2012 by the International Biographical centre, England. A UGC Sponsored State Level Seminar was organised by the Administrative Staff. St. Mary’s Square Outreach Sponsorship Project in collaboration with SMCUP School Chiyyaram for less privileged school children was initiated. Under the initiative of the IQAC, an endowment of Rs. 100000/- was instituted in honour of the retired Principal, Dr. Sr. Rani George to be used for the purpose of organising an Annual Lecture by an eminent academician and a Paper Presentation Competition. In 2014, two new conventional Programmes - M.Sc. Chemistry, and M.Sc. Botany- and two innovative Bvoc programmes - Multimedia and Software Development- were introduced. A Chemistry Heritage Museum was inaugurated and National Science week was celebrated by the Department of Chemistry. A 21 Day Residential Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) was organised in collaboration with the Higher Education and General Education Government of Kerala. 2015 was yet another notable year in the chronicle of the College with the third accreditation by NAAC in which the College secured ‘A’ Grade with an enhanced grade point of 3.3. Four UGC sponsored Seminars were organized in the College by the Departments of Chemistry, Economics, History and Computer Science. In 2016, Dr. Sr. Mariette A Therathil was appointed as the new Principal. The First Mahitha Award instituted by the college in honour of the retired Principal, Sr. Dr. Jacintha C. C. was presented to the first recipient Ms. M.S. Jaya IAS, Director of Higher Secondary Education of Government of Kerala and the former Collector of Thrissur District. The former Principal, Sr. Dr. Jacintha C.C won the Best Principal Award 2015 of AIACHE for her distinguished service as Principal of the College. The College was awarded the Consumer Protection Award given by the Consumer Protection Council. Honourable Minister for Agriculture, Govt. of Kerala, Adv. Sunil Kumar, inaugurated the College Sports Land. Honourable M.P, Sri C.N Jayadevan inaugurated the Online Digital Library funded from the MP fund. International Seminars by the Departments of BVoc, History and Computer Science were the academic highlights of the year. The First All Kerala Intercollegiate Hockey Tournament for the Marian Cup was initiated by the College in this year. Dr. Sr. Magie Jose took charge as Principal in 2017. St. Mary’s College climbed new heights by being ranked 55th among colleges in India by NIRF, Government of India, based on performance. The St. Mary’s family was always compassionate to the community. To extend help to the needy, the principal, staff, and NCC cadets visited the Okhi affected areas near Kodungallur and distributed groceries and other essentials. The College participated in YUVA Mastermind Competition, a joint venture of Malayala Manorama and IBS with technical support by Amal Jyothi Engineering College, and won 3rd prize for the invention, "Emergency Water Purification Cartridge". Registering the college as a local chapter of NPTEL was a great leap in the academic goals of St. Mary’s. This academic year has 12 workshops and seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and entrepreneurship in her credit, along with a good number of research publications. The initiation of Marian Agri Fest is also a remarkable event of the year. Dr. Binu K, Department of sociology has been appointed as a social scientist in the land acquisition Board, the government of Kerala, Dr. T. Geetha, has been selected as a member of District level monitoring committee, Sastra Poshini Team are the notable achievements rendered on our faculty members. Ms. Gladwino Ous Jes, NCC Cadet won the first prize in all India Level Quiz Competition during the Thal sainik Camp at New Delhi. The Sports achievements of this made us proud by their outstanding accomplishments. Riya TC Secured Silver Medal and Revathy Prakash secured Bronze Medal, in the All India Inter-University Championship in Power Lifting Competition. Sanisha N. B, Binisha N. B., and Johncy P. K bagged bronze medal, in the All India Interuniversity Championship, in Judo Competition. Ann Mariya T C represented Calicut University in the All India Inter-University Weight Lifting Championship and bagged Silver Medal. Anly Stephen represented Calicut University in the All India Inter-University KHO- KHO Championship and bagged the second position. The year 2018 saw the College achieving the pinnacle of success in sports by winning the coveted title of the Best Women’s College in Sports in the University of Calicut. The new Marian auditorium with a seating capacity of 2000 was yet another achievement for the College. Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has selected the College for the implementation of the Unnath Bharath Abhiyan Scheme one of the prominent programs for the development of the country. Marian Centre for Advanced Research, with the motto Lab to Laymen, was founded, for the interdisciplinary research consultancy, for scholars and the public. In tune with the vision of empowering women and as commitment towards society the college has started two skill-oriented courses Certificate Course in Recording & Reporting and Diploma Course in Content Writing, under Community College, which is a UGC scheme for the benefit of the local women from the community irrespective of their age. Towards the progressive way of digitalization, our Alma Mater renovated the St. Mary’s Website and linked it with a Mobile App. The name of St. Mary’s is always held high by the achievements of its faculty and students. To meet the requirements of different strata of students -Be with Scholar and Walk with Scholar was introduced for advanced learners and Scholar Support Programmes, and Scholar Assisted Programme for slow learners, Assistance for Differently Abled (ADA) functions for supporting differently-abled students. Thirty-four workshops and seminars conducted by various departments on state, National, and International levels were the academic highlights of the year. College organized Graduation Ceremony, a programme blessed by the presence of Prof. Dr.Rajan Gurukkal P.M, Vice Chairman, Kerala State Higher Education Council (KSHEC), Thiruvananthapuram. The college was proud to host Global Education Fair 2018 with a representation of 12 international universities and the participation of around 800 students from all over Kerala. Another mega event of the year was PRATHEEKSHA 2018, the Mega job fair organised in collaboration with Thrissur District Employability Center. The institution has always given importance to helping the needy in the community. During the period of the largest natural catastrophe in the history of Kerala, St. Mary's College Thrissur had extended her helping hands with the Government of Kerala and other private and public organizations for the flood relief activities. Campus premises and halls had been utilized as a supply collection and storage center since the inception of relief camps in and around Thrissur till the commencement of regular classes at college and utilized all the public and administrative relationships to put up their alliance with government bodies and private organizations to gear up the disaster management activities and approximately 15,000 gallons (60,000 L) of drinking water was supplied to camps near Kuthiyathodu, Puvathussery, Poyya, Meloor, Kattoor etc. GRABS Educational Charitable Trust honoured our Principal, Dr. Sr. Magie Jose with Life Time Achievement award, Dr. Binu K with Best Social Scientist Award, and Lt.Anu D Alappat with Outstanding Service Award. Dr.Kayeen Vadakkan was honoured with Research Ratna Award by RULA Award, adding more feathers to the crown of St. Mary’s. Binisha N.B. represented India in “Qurash” in the 18th Asian Games at Jakarta, Muneera M.S., Riya T.C., and Lafeena Dsouza winning gold medals in all India Inter University Weight Lifting and Power Lifting Championships, Cadet. Maneesha P.V. attending All India Tal Sainik Camp at New Delhi are the notable student achievements of the year. 2019 was splendid with great achievements and recognition to the college. It was a proud moment in the history of St Mary's College that, Marian Research Centre for Mathematics produced its first Ph.D. Sr. Jorry T F, Research Scholar under the supervision of Dr. Parvathy K.S was awarded Ph. D for the thesis entitled "STUDY ON IREGULARITY IN GRAPHS WITH EMPHASIS ON TOTALLY SEGREGATEIRREGULARITY.As part of UBA, Microbial Consortium SMCNPK18 was developed by MARIAN CENTRE FOR ADVANCED RESEARCH. MCAR also launched a new biofertilizer MECSMC11 which is compost, enriched with essential bacteria that are capable of retaining the nutrient balance in the soil and maintaining the fertility of the soil, and a Growth Enhancing Microbial Solution (GEMS14) which can enhance the overall growth and productivity of the plants by colonizing the rhizosphere named VERMITOL. Two International seminars and Two National seminars were added with 18 other academic enhancement programs of the year. The College has been marching forward with grit and determination to meet the challenges imposed by globalization and the information technology revolution in society. By signing up in the G-Suite/Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals, she has equipped herself with modern technological advancements to educate the new generation of digital natives. This year was blessed with many awards and recognition to the faculty and students like Dr. Sr. Magie Jose honoured with Mother Teresa Gold Medal by Global Economic Progress & Research Association and SakthanHarithavismaya Award by Sakthanthamburan Memorial Cultural Association. Dr. Sr. Meena K. Cheruvathur secured the Best Oral Paper award at the Larinx International conference on Cancer Biology and Cell Science, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Dr. Binu K, Department of Sociology was selected as a member of the Board of Studies, Calicut University, and he was reappointed as the Chairman of Land Acquisition by the Government of Kerala, in two projects of MUNAMBAM - AZHIKODE and KILA land acquisition Project 2019-20. Dr. C. R. Meera secured Best Faculty Award in Bioscience 2019- 2020 by Centre for Bioscience & Nanoscience Research (CBNR), Affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Best Oral Presentation Award in International seminar Bio Commercium’19 by SAFI Institute of Advanced Study (SIAS), Malappuram, Kerala and she was the Topper in the online course ' Cell Culture Technologies' by Swayam, NPTEL. Dr. KayeenVadakkan secured Young Scientist Award by VD Good Technology Factory and won the Project for the Society Award by SCIRE SCIENCE AWARDS for the year 2019. Dr. Varsha C Mohanan was honoured with the Young Researcher Award for the Best Oral presentation Award, at International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology organized by CSIR & NIIST and BRSI India. Our NCC Cadet Clinta Jose participated in Republic Day Parade at Delhi andMs. Magna Jom secured SMCA-Sakthan Excellence Award-2019, instituted by Shakthanthamburan Memorial Cultural Association, Thrissur. This academic year is especially remarkable for St. Mary's College. She attained high levels of excellence in Calicut University, All India Inter-University, National and International competitions. Riya T.C and Lephina D’souza participated in the World University championship at Estonia, Europe and Lephina won the Silver medal. Sruthi Sudevan represented India in the Asian Sepak takraw Championship in China and won the Bronze medal. Seven Judoka's represented Calicut University in the All India Inter-University Championship. In the championship, Megha Sunny and Jais Mathew won the Bronze medal. Megha Sunny, Vijitha and Jais Mathew qualified for the Khelo India competition. ANN Mariya T.C. and Amrutha Jayan represented Calicut University in the All India Inter-University Championship and bagged Gold and Bronze medal respectively and was qualified for the Khelo India competition. Ann Maria represented Kerala State in the Senior National Championship and won Bronze medal. Three powerlifters represented Calicut University in the All India Inter-University Championship. Ashimol secured a Silver medal in the competition. Sruthiraj U.V. International Athlete of our College represented Calicut University in the All India Inter-University Championship and secured a Bronze medal in the competition and got qualified for Khelo India Competition. The year 2020 marked the seventy-fifth year of the journey of academic excellence embarked on by St. Mary's College with the vision of transforming young women into industrious, empowered, and enlightened individuals who can contribute to society at large and the nation as a whole. The Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of the College was inaugurated by Sri. Pinarayi Vijayan Hon. Chief Minister of Kerala on 7th July 2020 in virtual mode due to the pandemic situation. Sr. Anija, Corporate Manager presided over the function. Mar Andrews Thazhath, Arch Bishop, of Thrissur Diocese, rendered the benedictory Speech. Dr. K.T Jaleel, Minister of Higher Education, Kerala, Adv. V.S. Sunil Kumar, Minister of Agriculture, Kerala, Sri T.N. Prathapan, MP, Thrissur, and Dr. C.L Joshy, Registrar, University of Calicut, felicitated the ceremony. Platinum Jubilee action plan VISION 2021 was announced by Sr. Dr. Ritty J Nedumpara Education Councillor, CMC Nirmala Province, Thrissur. Platinum jubilee logo was also released on the occasion. A special postal cover and stamp were released in association with the Jubilee. New courses, M.Sc Biology, B.Voc, and M.Voc in Applied Biotechnology were started in the Platinum Jubilee year. The Covid 19 pandemic turned the whole world topsy turvy with unexpected blows in all the fields and especially in the field of Education. But we tried the best way possible to confront the difficulties with a positive attitude and firm faith. Sanitizers and hand wash were prepared and distributed. More than five thousand masks stitched by our staff were distributed to hospitals, R T Office, D D office, and to the staff and students. Coursera Online Learning Initiative was undertaken by St. Mary’s College in June 2020 with the main objective to encourage students and faculty to learn new courses and update themselves in various disciplines. Marian Webisode, our youtube channel, was launched as an initiative of IQAC to share academic information, and showcase the talents and skills of students, faculty, and alumnae to the peers and public. St. Mary's College has extended the institutional mail id through the G suit account to the students also, to enable them to continue their regular academic programmes effectively even in the period of a global pandemic. Regular classes, interactions, presentations, and competitions were conducted through Google Classroom and Google meet. Teaching departments conducted many webinars, workshops, and competitions on National and International levels ensuring the academic focus was intact. The PTA, SMART, Elder Marians have also contributed their best to make certain, that no student is left without amble necessities for attending online classes. St. Mary’s signed an International MOU with Lensman Academy – a renowned Dubai-based institute, for a Certificate Course in Photography and Film Making. On successful completion of the course, students will be awarded a UK-based ASIC accredited certification and the course concludes with an internship for students at Lensman‟s state-of-the-art studios in Dubai Production City. The college has signed MOUs with educational and employment institutions in Kerala for Research collaboration and technology transfer, this year. In 2021, the college submitted the Self Study Report to NAAC, for the Fourth Cycle of Reaccreditation. A Certificate Course in Goods Service Tax, under the Community College, was started, as a new initiative of the year. The name of St. Mary's is always held high by the achievements of its faculty and students. Principal Dr. Sr. Magie Jose was honoured with Bharat ShikshaRatan Award - for outstanding achievements and remarkable role in the field of Education, instituted by Achievers Association for Health & Educational Growth New Delhi, Sander K Thomas Award instituted by Sander K Thomas Memorial Trust, and received Bharat Jyoti Award for Meritorious Services, Outstanding Performances and Remarkable Role instituted by Indian International Friendship Society. The College is now successfully running with 14 full-fledged departments offering 15 Under Graduate and 12 Post Graduate courses along with one doctoral programme. Also, the students and faculty members keep on working for fulfilling the vision and mission of our college and spread the fame of St. Mary's around the globe. |