ST. MARY'S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), THRISSUR Affiliated to University of Calicut Re-accredited by the NAAC with A+ Grade (3.41) - 4th Cycle E-ResourcesD-SpaceDigital repository of St.Mary's College - Click here to openCourseraCoursera Online Learning Initiative was undertaken by St. Mary’s College in June 2020. The main objective was to encourage students and faculty to learn new courses and update themselves in various disciplines. Those with digital devices, active internet connection and as interest to learn can learn different courses. These are paid and unpaid courses. Currently the Initiative offers over 2000+ Courses, offered by world renowned Universities and IITs, A candidate can study any number of courses at a time. Marian WebisodeMarian Webisode, our own you tube channel, was launched in 2020 as an initiative of IQAC. Marian Webisode was initiated to share academic information, showcase the talents and skills of students, faculty and alumnae to the peers and public. Various extracurricular activities, seminars, workshops are organised by the Departments and College and videos by the academic community are streamed to the stakeholders and others through this Channel. Webisode- Click here to openSWAYAM-NPTELSWAYAM has set up SWAYAM-NPTEL Chapter in Colleges. St Mary’s College, Thrissur is a SWAYAM NPTEL Local Chapter since 2017. The College encourages and provides support regarding selection of courses, attending classes, clarification of doubts. College congratulates the students and faculty who have successfully completed different certificate courses Diana Mary George, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics is the SPOC (Single Point of Contact) from the college |