Affiliated to University of Calicut

Re-accredited by the NAAC with A+ Grade (3.41) - 4th Cycle

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To create social consciousness and awareness among women communities for productive social life.


To equip women folk for utilization of sociological knowledge for the betterment of social world and help them to participate in the wide process of women empowerment and nation building process.

History of the Department

Department of sociology was started as a subsidiary subject for undergraduate courses of BA Economics and History during 1980s. The department is primarily oriented to provide social insights and awareness on currents issues and problems to the budding generation of our College. The department is organizing number of innovative programs and activities for the students and as well as for nearby communities as the part of academic endeavor. These programs are designed for creating better social insights on young women students of our college. Our curriculum is meaningfully crafted to lead the students in creative, and successful domain of personal and social life .We are also organizing number of community linking initiatives and programs to reduce the gap between society and individual and help them to enhance and extends these results to betterment of socio cultural fabrics of our dynamic social world. The department is oriented to provide awareness on the importance of sociology as an academic discipline and its multifaceted scope in undressing the current social life i.e. Culture, Medicine, Education, Economics and technology and other important areas of our socio-cultural contexts.

Programme (Courses offered)

Major Programmes

Sl. No Code No Course Title Hrs/Week Total Hrs Credit Marks
1 SO1 CO1 Principles of Sociology 3 54 3 100
2 SSo2Co2 Sociology of Indian society 3 54 3 100
3 So3 Co3 Social psychology 3 54 3 100
4 So4 CO4 Sociology of education 3 54 3 100



UBA, centrally sponsored, Community Extension Programmes, for Rural Development,
Lakshya free PSC coaching classes for Rural Masses since 2012
Vivekanadha best teachers award 2016
Best faculty award 2014
Best REasearch Paper Award ,Dhyan Books New Delhi 2010

Collaboration/ Linkages

Sl. No Name of the Institution Purpose Date
1 Kerala fire force academy To provide awareness of public behavior and the various dimension of public life through lectures and talks. 2016- continues
2 Kerala fire force academy To help them to understand the dynamics of social life. personality formation and leadership skills 2018- continues
3 Kerala Institute of Local Administration To inculcate research values among faculties and students in various fields of local self-governance and social life 2016 – continues
4 Amala Medical College To equip medical students to understand the importance of sociological knowledge in medical science and their fields of social interactions 2014- continues


Seminar / Workshop/ Conference Conducted

Sl.No Title Level Organising/ Funding Agency Date
1 A UGC sponsored inter-departmental National Seminar on
“Narratology of Harvesting: A Comparative Study"
National UGC 1st and 2nd August 2013

Event Calendar

Event Title Type Resource Person Event Date
Entrepreneurship for people with special needs with low investments State Level Webinar Mr.T S Chandran Rtd. Deputy Director Department of Industries and Commerce Government of Kerala 24-10-2020
Horticulture therapy for Person with Special needs – All you need to know State Level Webinar Dr.Beela G K Associate Professor College of Agriculture 10-10-2020
Parental Awareness On Inclusion Rights State Level Webinar Dr. Peter M. Raj, Associate Professor, Kerala Institute Of Local Administration 19-09-2020
History and evolution of numbers Association
Dr V Rajendran
Retired Professor,
PSMO College, Thiroorangadi
Effective Parenting Invited Talk
for Parents
Rev. Sr. Dalmatia Panikkulam CMC
Shanthidam Institute for Clinical Councelling,
Thanal, Peramangalam
Pi Invited Talk Mrs. Marykutty Joseph
Retired Professor
Department of Mathematics
St. Mary’s College, Thrissur
Workshop on “LaTeX” Workshop Dr. A Noufal
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Career Guidance Talk Invited Talk Smt. Swarna K L
HOD, Dept of Mathematics,
Vimala College
Use Less Plastic and Save Environment Invited Talk Dr. Parvathy K. S
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Mathematics
10-08- 2016
Cryptography Invited Talk Mr. Saju M.I.
Assistant professor,
Department of Mathematics,
St. Thomas College, Trissur
“Latex” for research scholars Workshop Dr. Anjaly Kishore
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mathematics,
Vimala College Thrissur
“Wavelets” Invited Talk Dr. A Noufal
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Mathematics, CUSAT
Entrepreneurship Invited Talk Mr. Jose Mamman
Assistant Professor,
Department of Commerce,
Manipal University
Mathematical skills Workshop Prof. Vincent Pulikkottil
Associate professor
& Head of the Department,
Department of Mathematics,
St. Thomas College, Thrissur
Mathematical skills Workshop Prof. Vincent Pulikkottil
Associate professor
& Head of the Department,
Department of Mathematics,
St. Thomas College, Thrissur

Faculty Profile